Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA)

Crestwood has the capabilities to combine our wealth of in-house landscape and ecology experience to design, produce and implement Ecological Management plans for any Site. These include detailed working prescriptions,

Location-based services

Ecology Services Ecology Services in Birmingham Ecology Services in Bridgnorth Ecology Services in Cannock Ecology Services in Leeds Ecology Services in Shrewsbury Ecology Services in Wolverhampton

Hydrology, Flood Risk and Drainage

Hydrology Crestwood Environmental can provide hydrology services in surface water management, flood risk assessment, water resources management, hydrogeology, monitoring and much more. Crestwood offers all of our hydrological services in

Water and Wastewater

Crestwood Environmental provides a number of expert consultancy services for water aspects, including those relating to surface water and hydrology, hydrogeology and water use / re-use. The Company employs professionals

Geo-Environmental Services

Crestwood Environmental provide a wide range of geo-environmental services to the property industry, including desk-based studies and detailed site investigations. Our geo-environmental reports are designed to be read by a


Crestwood Environmental has experience in assessing the often complex hydrogeological impacts and risks associated with a range of developments, from quarry sites to non-hazardous and hazardous landfills. Working in accordance

Environmental Monitoring

Crestwood Environmental provides a range of environmental survey and monitoring services on sites and receptors where environmental or occupational effects may occur and be of importance. Environmental surveys and monitoring

Odour and Air Dispersion

Air dispersion computer modelling is often required as part of an Environmental Permit Application following the H1 screening or as part of a planning application. The modelling involves a mathematical

Phase 1 Contaminated Land Reports

Crestwood Environmental Ltd. has a highly experienced team of environmental professionals who have a proven track record in being able to deliver Phase 1 Environmental Assessments / Contaminated Land Reports.

Waste Management

Our waste management expertise is based on over 35 years of engineering, environmental, operational, planning, compliance and development experience. We are capable of progressing projects from concept, initial market research
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