Crestwood are highly experienced in undertaking reptile surveys to determine the presence or likely absence of reptile species on site.
Our surveys include;
a) Reptile Habitat Suitability Assessment;
b) Presence / Likely Absence Surveys; and
c) Population Size Class Assessment Surveys.
a) Reptile Habitat Suitability Assessment
A site walkover to identify suitable habitats and habitat features such as hibernacula, basking areas, foraging habitat and refuge areas.
b) Presence / Likely Absence Surveys
A series of 7 survey visits carried out in accordance with the relevant guidance (Froglife Advice Sheet 10 (1999)). In line with current guidance, refugia mats made from roofing felt with be placed in suitable habitat and checked for the presence of reptiles. Surveys are carried out in suitable weather conditions between March and October. The optimal survey months are April, May and September.
c) Population Size Class Assessment Surveys
A series of up to 20 survey visits to check refugia for reptile species to establish an estimated population size and distribution.
Reptile Mitigation and Licensing
Crestwood has extensive experience in conducting mitigation strategies for reptiles, including trapping and translocation to suitable receptor sites, supervising vegetation clearance and implementing habitat creation, restoration and enhancement measures.
A European Protected Species (EPS) license, issued by Natural England, will be required for works liable to affect sand lizards or smooth snakes (both rare species with limited distribution in the UK).