Crestwood Environmental undertakes a range of aquatic and terrestrial invertebrate surveys, mitigation and management strategies for both broad invertebrate assemblages and specific protected species.
Surveys include:
- Invertebrate Scoping Surveys;
- General Aquatic and Terrestrial Invertebrate Surveys;
- Roman Snail Surveys; and
- White Clawed Crayfish Surveys.
Invertebrate Scoping Surveys
Our invertebrate specialists carry out a one-day site walkover to assess the habitats present for their potential to support invertebrate species of conservation concern, including species listed under Section 41 of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities (NERC) Act 2006 species, Red Data Book species and Nationally Scarce (formerly Nationally Notable) taxa.
General Aquatic and Terrestrial Invertebrates
We undertake a full suite of surveys for Aquatic and Terrestrial Invertebrate species following standard guidance, using a variety of survey techniques specific to the requirements of a project. Full species list and identification of invertebrate samples collected, and assessment of impacts and recommendations are provided.
Roman Snail Surveys
Two survey visits are undertaken between May and October during appropriate weather conditions to determine presence / likely absence of roman snails.
White Clawed Crayfish Surveys
Crestwood undertakes White Clawed Crayfish surveys using licensed surveyors (where necessary). Surveys include, assessment of habitat, presence / likely absence survey using a variety of methods including trapping, translocation design and habitat management, and monitoring surveys.
Mitigation and Licensing
Crestwood has experience mitigation designs, method statements and implementation of habitat creation and enhancement for invertebrates. Our Ecologists have experience in licence applications for roman snail translocations.
If you would like to contact us about these services – please visit our contact page here.
Are you interested in developing a career in this service area? If so, please visit or contact us via our careers page here.