
We understand how important maintaining quality is to our clients and are committed to continual improvement. We are also continually seeking feedback – if we have worked for you recently,...

Environmental Permitting and Planning

Crestwood Environmental Ltd operates nationally, and provides a comprehensive cost effective service, having the experience to apply for and manage your environmental planning and permitting requirements. This includes the initial...

Water and Wastewater

Crestwood Environmental provides a number of expert consultancy services for water aspects, including those relating to surface water and hydrology, hydrogeology and water use / re-use. The Company employs professionals...


Crestwood Environmental has experience in assessing the often complex hydrogeological impacts and risks associated with a range of developments, from quarry sites to non-hazardous and hazardous landfills. Working in accordance...

Ecological Management Plans

...on previous surveys, undertaken in combination with our ecologists’ wealth of experience. If an ecologist were to find a protected species, that could not be protected from harm, mitigation or...

Landfill Reporting

...manage your landfill reporting obligations, from landfill permit application through to data management and ultimately permit surrender reporting. Crestwood Environmental can offer complete bespoke landfill monitoring, from field sampling to...

Landscape Expert Witness

Our landscape expert witness team comprises experienced Chartered Landscape Architects who have a wide breadth of experience representing Developers, Local Planning Authorities and third parties. We regularly provide landscape and...

Quarry and Landfill Restoration and Aftercare

Landscape Restoration Plans The Company is steeped in history within the minerals and waste sectors going back nearly 30 years, with extensive experience of producing outline and detailed landscape restoration...

Heritage Assessments and Consent Applications

...the successful completion of works. We offer: Heritage Services Related Interdisciplinary Services Screening and Scoping for built and buried heritage. Risk scoping of potentially related environmental aspects. Heritage Desk-based Assessments...

Minerals, landscape and visual assessment, ecology surveys and assessment, cultural heritage/archaeology assessment and environmental consultancy. We are also able to provide full 3D CAD and GIS services, ground modelling and...