Environmental Monitoring

...may relate to pre-application baseline/background data for EIA or other assessments, monitoring of compliance with planning, Permit or statutory requirements, occupational health monitoring, nuisance or to gauge performance of implemented...

Bat Surveys and Assessments

...to ensure compliance with relevant legislation. Emergence / Re-entry Surveys Bat roost surveys are normally carried out before any demolition works commence. The aim of the survey is to determine...

Process Efficiency Consultancy

...quantities of wastewater through operational processes and the Company can assist with meeting legal compliance and minimising costs via audit and rectification services. The Company can also offer a wide...

Great Crested Newt Surveys

Crestwood’s licensed surveyors are able to undertake comprehensive protected species surveys and offer advice if your development is likely to impact upon great crested newt and their habitat. The Newt...

Waste Management

...Compositional Analysis Communication Campaigns Necessity and TEEP Assessment Human Health Risk Assessments   If you would like to contact us about these services – please visit our contact page here...

Land Management

...of experience in protected species surveys, with our ecologists utilising their specialisms in certain fields as well as having a comprehensive all round knowledge in flora, fauna and assessment of...

eDNA Analysis for Water Voles

...correctly resulted in negative results. Non-target species tested: Common name Latin name qPCR test result Bank vole Myodes glareolus Negative Brown rat Rattus norvegicus Negative Domestic cat Felis catus Negative...

Our Policies

...our Environmental policy here: Environmental Policy The Company has made a pledge to Net Zero – our baseline and targets are provided here: Crestwood PTNZ Baseline + Targets We understand...

Noise Impact Assessment

...be important if your new development is near a residential, commercial or industrial area and also important when it comes to a new development near environmental receptors also (e.g. noise-sensitive...

Invertebrate Surveys

...for their potential to support invertebrate species of conservation concern, including species listed under Section 41 of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities (NERC) Act 2006 species, Red Data Book...