Water ecology

Water Framework Directive (WFD) Assessment A survey of a river catchment or specific watercourse to collate and assess ecological data, such as aquatic invertebrate taxa, aquatic vegetative communities, water quality

Reptile Surveys

Crestwood are highly experienced in undertaking reptile surveys to determine the presence or likely absence of reptile species on site. Our surveys include; a) Reptile Habitat Suitability Assessment; b) Presence

Ecological Management Plans

At Crestwood Environmental we have a wealth of in-house landscape and ecology experience. This allows us to design, produce and implement Ecological Management plans for any site. This includes detailed

Invertebrate Surveys

Crestwood Environmental undertakes a range of aquatic and terrestrial invertebrate surveys, mitigation and management strategies for both broad invertebrate assemblages and specific protected species. Surveys include: Invertebrate Scoping Surveys; General

Bat Surveys and Assessments

Crestwood has extensive experience undertaking all aspects of bat surveys. All surveys are carried out by Class 1 and Class 2 Bat Licenced surveyors. Bat Surveys Services: Preliminary Bat Roost

Great Crested Newt Surveys

Crestwood’s licensed surveyors are able to undertake comprehensive protected species surveys and offer advice if your development is likely to impact upon great crested newt and their habitat. The Newt

Phase 2 (Detailed) Ecological Work

Our fully licenced staff are experienced in undertaking detailed further ecological surveys for a wide range of protected species and habitats. We endeavour to make the process as efficient as

Ecology and Biodiversity Services

Crestwood offers ecology services, with an experienced team of licensed ecological consultants. They are trained to provide a comprehensive ecological consultancy service, with experience in working on a wide variety

Preliminary Ecological Surveys

We work safely and efficiently with a cost-effective approach to provide the following preliminary ecological surveys. For more information about what these surveys include, or to obtain a no obligation