Noise Impact Assessment

Noise Impact Assessment and Monitoring Services

A noise impact assessment aims to predict the noise impact that a development is likely to have on the surrounding receiving environment. This can be important if your new development is near a residential, commercial or industrial area and also important when it comes to a new development near environmental receptors also (e.g. noise-sensitive ecology). Our in-house experts can undertake the full-range of noise and acoustic related services relating to:

  • Planning and EIA
  • Environmental Permitting
  • Licensing
  • Nuisance
  • Occupational Noise

Core sectors include construction, minerals, waste, manufacturing, industrial, residential and transport, around the UK, up to Expert Witness level.


Noise Modelling

Where required, we will use cost-effective digital noise modelling techniques to help predict impacts, or verify compliance levels, and allow any mitigation requirements to be identified and understood. We can provide multi-purpose integrated solutions through interdisciplinary in-house working or provide stand-alone services, as required.


If you would like to contact us about our noise impact assessment services – please visit our contact page here or for general enquiries email us at or call us at 01902 229563.



Are you interested in developing a career in this service area? If so, please visit or contact us via our careers page here.